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Overcome These 3 Barriers To Getting the Restorative Dental Care You Need

Dentists recommend restorative dental care for patients that need to resolve various oral health issues. Common restorative dentistry treatments include fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, and dentures. In some cases, cosmetic dentistry treatments such as veneers are also considered restorative, especially if your front teeth are uneven. And while these treatments can help you improve your…
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5 Things To Look for in a Family Dentist in Lakeway, Texas

A great family dentist checks these boxes. The hunt for the perfect family dentist isn’t always a simple task, but when you know exactly what you’re looking for, the search is easier. Ultimately, you’ll discover a great dentist for your family and know everyone in your home is on their way to achieving optimal oral…
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5 Reasons Your Child Might Be Struggling With Their Oral Hygiene

Is Your Child Struggling With Their Oral Hygiene? There are many reasons your child might be struggling with their oral hygiene, and as a parent, sometimes you might feel helpless because you can’t always control the actions or choices of your kids. You can, however, remind your children about the importance of their oral health…
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Why a Chipped Tooth Should Never Be Ignored

More damage from a chipped tooth? A chipped tooth can happen to anyone, and if it does, it is something that you shouldn’t ignore. Did you know that if your tooth is chipped, even in the slightest, it can put you at risk for another broken tooth—or worse, more damage to the original chipped tooth?…
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5 Signs Veneers Could Be Better Than Whitening for Your Tooth Discoloration

Veneers vs Whitening: More Than One Option for Stained Teeth There are times when professional tooth whitening is the perfect solution for your tooth discoloration. However, there are also times when no amount of whitening solution seems to do the trick. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to suffer with a less-than-sparkling smile, though. There…
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Is There an Age Limit to Invisalign? And 5 Other Invisalign FAQs

Embrace the smile of your dreams with Invisalign clear aligners.  Invisalign is among the most widely sought-after types of orthodontic treatments; however, many people have questions about how it all works. Invisalign age limits, treatment lengths, and how it affects your lifestyle are all areas patients may not be familiar with.  Here are the answers…
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3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures: When They’re Used and What To Expect

Your cosmetic dentist near Lakeway understands that no two smiles are the same. Are you not quite happy with the state of your smile? Most people have that feeling at one time or another, and it can impact your self-confidence. However, cosmetic dentistry offers a range of options to help you perfect your smile. Cosmetic…
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9 Important Do’s and Don’ts of Invisalign Oral Hygiene Care

Most Important Home Care Tips for Invisalign You can achieve a beautiful smile with Invisalign—and enjoy a more comfortable treatment experience. However, you still need to follow a few specific guidelines. While aligners are simpler than braces, you should follow these 9 important Invisalign oral hygiene care steps. 1. Always remove your aligners before you…
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6 Ways You Can Feel More Confident About You in the New Year

Embrace the new year to build a new you. New Year’s resolutions are something that many people aspire to, but choosing the right resolution is just as important as following through. For your New Year’s resolution, you could take a moment to consider how to be more confident in your day-to-day life. While focusing on…
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Porcelain Veneers or Tooth Whitening? How To Tell Which Is Right for You

Making an Informed Decision Between Porcelain Veneers and Tooth Whitening Our smiles convey much about who we are and how we feel. Our smiles welcome others; in the same way, our frowns can make us seem less approachable. Not only that, but smiling is good for our health. So when we have a dental concern…
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