3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures: When They’re Used and What To Expect


Your cosmetic dentist near Lakeway understands that no two smiles are the same.

Are you not quite happy with the state of your smile? Most people have that feeling at one time or another, and it can impact your self-confidence. However, cosmetic dentistry offers a range of options to help you perfect your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve a beautiful smile that you won’t hesitate to share with the world. However, it’s important to note that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, you’ll need to work with your cosmetic dentist near Lakeway, TX, to form the right treatment plan for your needs.

When you go in for a consultation, your dentist will evaluate your smile and discuss your concerns and goals. You can ask any questions you have about your smile and what to expect from cosmetic dental treatment. If you experience dental anxiety, you can also discuss accommodations like sedation dentistry to ensure your experience is stress-free.

Based on that information, your dentist will create a custom treatment plan that may include one or more of the treatments outlined below.

1. Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are among the most versatile cosmetic treatments available today. They can address numerous imperfections and make your teeth look naturally flawless.

Veneer placement involves removing a thin layer of enamel from the front of the teeth and then adhering custom-made porcelain veneers over them. The process is safe and effective and requires removing only a small amount of the outermost layer of your tooth. Dental cement holds the veneers in place for a strong, lasting bond.

Porcelain veneers cover the front of natural teeth, so they can resolve just about any visual abnormality. Veneers are ideal for covering internal discoloration or stains that don’t respond to professional teeth whitening.

They’re also a great choice for minor chips and cracks. Severe damage can call for a crown to ensure that your tooth is fully protected, but purely cosmetic damage is easily remedied with veneers.

Veneers are custom-made to match your natural smile, and their shape can be adjusted to make your smile more proportional. Veneers can also eliminate the appearance of minor gaps between your teeth.

2. Cosmetic Bonding

Composite resin has come a long way in recent years, and dentists now use it in many treatments, including cosmetic bonding.

If your teeth have minor chips or cracks, cosmetic bonding can fill them in. Your dentist will carefully match the color of the composite resin to your smile so the bonding blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. The dentist can shape composite resin as needed, so the treatment is effective for addressing minor spacing issues, improving proportions, and addressing discoloration. The versatility of cosmetic bonding makes it one of the most widely used cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic bonding takes just one appointment and is often a short process. Your dentist uses a UV light to cure the composite resin instantly so that you walk out with a fully functional smile.

3. Professional Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking for a way to noticeably improve your smile in a hurry, then professional whitening is what you’re looking for. You can choose in-office whitening or at-home whitening, whichever suits you better.

In-office whitening delivers visible improvement in just one appointment. You walk out of the dentist’s office with a brighter smile that very day. The use of clinical-strength whitening agents delivers results quickly.

Most dentists offer professional at-home whitening kits as well. These are similar to some of the over-the-counter kits you can find but deliver superior results. Your dentist can provide professional-grade whitening agents and custom trays for a better, more effective experience overall.

You may choose professional teeth whitening to get ready for a big event or have whitening done from time to time to ensure that your smile always looks its best. When your teeth become stained by food, drinks, and other sources, you can count on professional whitening for fast results.

What You Need To Know About Cosmetic Dental Procedures

If you want to improve your smile, schedule an evaluation with Tomasik Family Dental, your source for all your Lakeway cosmetic dentistry needs. We’ll identify the right treatment options to give you a beautiful smile. Find out more about our treatments and the amazing results you can expect from cosmetic dentistry.