Turkey Is Good for Your Teeth: And 4 Other Fun Facts About Thanksgiving Foods
Thanksgiving Foods Good for Teeth
The holidays are upon us. We made it through Halloween, and now it is time to consider what to serve for Thanksgiving dinner. What will grace the table this year? As you contemplate the turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberries, and pie, you are also likely considering how those foods will impact your teeth and overall health. We’re here to tell you we have you covered with some recommendations on Thanksgiving foods good for your teeth.While most people worry about Halloween candy and what it can do to our teeth, that doesn’t mean that other holiday meals are designed to be healthy. Various foods we eat for Thanksgiving can also harm our teeth and overall health. Thankfully—pun intended—many Thanksgiving foods are good for our teeth. And with a few tweaks to the menu and some of your tried and true recipes, you can serve a Thanksgiving dinner here in Bee Cave or Lakeway, Texas, that will have your guests salivating without worrying about an increased risk of tooth decay.
1. Turkey is good for your teeth.
We can all sigh with relief because, while some foods during the holidays can harm our health, turkey is not one of them. Turkey is high in phosphorus, which is good for your teeth. Phosphorus partners with calcium to create hydroxyapatite, an essential mineral that is the primary structural component of bones and tooth enamel. Turkey is also high in protein as well as various vitamins and minerals. And did we say that turkey is low in fat too? So go wild and eat up!
2. Is your pumpkin pie really made with pumpkin?
Did you know that many commercially made pumpkin pies don’t actually have any pumpkin in them? It’s true. Many pumpkin pies are made from butternut squash and then flavored with pumpkin spice. While the butternut squash is delightfully tasty and good for you, it may be a bit of a disappointment to know your pie isn’t what you thought it was. So if you want to make sure your pumpkin pie is what it says it is, take to Pinterest to find a pumpkin pie recipe that appeals to you, and enjoy all the health benefits that pumpkin has to offer.
3. Bust out those Brussels sprouts.
We’re full of fun Thanksgiving facts, and we have another one to throw at you. Did you know that there is a gene responsible for whether or not you like Brussels sprouts? Yes, it’s true. So you can blame your genes as the reason you didn’t want to eat those steamed Brussels sprouts your mom put on your plate when you were young. This all said, Brussels sprouts are chock-full of good things for our bodies, including vitamin K, which is excellent for your bone health, and vitamin C, which promotes iron absorption, tissue repair, and immune function. So why not try some fun Brussels sprouts recipes this holiday season, such as Brussels sprouts with bacon or a maple-glazed Brussels sprouts with toasted hazelnuts dish?
4. Skip out on the canned cranberries and go for the real deal.
Every Thanksgiving, Americans consume about 80 million pounds of cranberries! But canned cranberries, though still full of antioxidants, contain a lot of excess sugar. So why not opt for the real deal and try a new homemade cranberry sauce recipe this year? And your reward for the extra effort? You and your guests will not only indulge in the fresh taste of a homemade sauce but also enjoy the anthocyanins in the sauce. Anthocyanins can help protect against liver disease, lower blood pressure, protect eyesight, and improve cardiovascular health. And we’d be remiss not to say that a low-sugar, homemade cranberry sauce is just one of many Thanksgiving foods good for teeth.
5. Do you know the origin of green bean casserole?
Go to any family Thanksgiving celebration, and you will likely find a green bean casserole on the table. Even those who don’t like green beans often try a scoop or two of this family favorite, and what’s not to love when your veggies are slathered in a creamy sauce and topped with French’s fried onions? But did you know that a Campbell Soup employee invented this savory side dish? Yep, one of your Thanksgiving faves was concocted in the test kitchen, featuring condensed cream of mushroom soup as one of the primary ingredients.
Share more fun facts about the holiday at this year’s family Thanksgiving celebration.
Thanksgiving is about so much more than savoring all the delectable dishes and sweet treats. We know that the holiday is about celebrating the harvest between the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Still, it is also about recognizing and celebrating all we have to be thankful for. Taking the time to make notes about what you are thankful for this year is also a great health benefit. Giving thanks can make you feel happier by helping you to recognize the good things in your life. Happiness can lessen your risk for cardiovascular disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your digestion, and help you get a better night’s rest. So let yourself indulge this Thanksgiving holiday, not only in Thanksgiving foods good for teeth but in giving thanks too.And should this holiday go awry, don’t forget that your dental team at Tomasik Family Dental is here for you. Have a toothache? We can help you feel better. In need of a dental cleaning or want those teeth polished before the holidays? Request an appointment and see why we are the best dental team in Texas Hill Country. We look forward to seeing you because we’re thankful for you!