Questions We're Often Asked About Porcelain Veneers
Answers to Your 8 Most Common Questions About Porcelain Veneers
Your smile is a big deal. Not only is your smile unique to you as a person, but it also plays a significant role in how others perceive you. We learn from a young age to not judge a book by its cover, and though looks certainly aren't everything, the fact remains that the way your teeth look does leave an impression. That why people so often ask us questions about porcelain veneers.When it comes to making your smile the absolute best it can be, you can't go wrong with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are the ultimate smile makeover and every year about 600,000 Americans choose to get this cosmetic dentistry procedure.Many patients have a lot of similar questions for us in regards to what exactly porcelain veneers are, how they work, and whether it's the right choice for them. To help you gain a better understanding of porcelain veneer treatment, we've answered 8 common questions we get asked at Tomasik Family Dental.
1. What are porcelain veneers and why are they so popular?
Porcelain veneers are a form of treatment that involves the placement of a thin layer of porcelain over the surface of a tooth. This forms a shell that may partially or fully cover the tooth surface and may cover one tooth or even all your teeth. In most cases, porcelain veneers will only cover the most visible teeth when smiling or speaking.Porcelain veneers are popular because they are a minimally invasive way of completely transforming the appearance of your smile. Porcelain is incredibly realistic looking, very durable, and capable of lasting for decades without needing touch-ups.
2. Are porcelain veneers considered a purely cosmetic procedure?
Porcelain veneers are considered a cosmetic dental procedure and generally won't be covered by dental insurance. However, there are functional benefits to getting porcelain veneers. For example, odd gaps or spacing between the teeth that would normally trap food debris will be covered by porcelain veneers. This makes flossing and brushing easier, and therefore, tooth decay less likely to occur when following a proper dental hygiene regimen.
3. What are the differences between porcelain and composite veneers?
The only difference between porcelain and composite veneers is the material being used. Porcelain veneers are made of porcelain, a type of ceramic, while composite veneers are made of a special dental composite resin material.Porcelain veneers tend to be more expensive than composite veneers, but they are generally more natural-looking and will last longer than composite veneers. There are pros and cons to both types of veneers, but Tomasik Family Dental specializes in porcelain veneers.
4. What are the differences between porcelain veneers and dental bonding?
Porcelain veneers and dental bonding perform similar jobs but are actually quite different. Porcelain veneers completely cover your tooth surface with a super-tough ceramic designed to last for decades, whereas dental bonding covers the surface of your tooth in resin material.Dental bonding doesn't last nearly as long as porcelain veneers and can't effectively cover moderate to severe cosmetic imperfections. However, it is a great choice for taking care of small smile flaws in a single dental appointment.We offer cosmetic dental bonding in addition to porcelain veneers. If you're not sure which option is right for you, you can give us a call or schedule an appointment for an evaluation.
5. What is the process for placing porcelain veneers?
Once your consultation exam has been completed, your next appointment will focus on preparing your teeth for veneers. Tooth prep for porcelain veneers involves your dentist carefully removing a small amount of your tooth enamel from the surface of the teeth that will be covered. This makes room around each tooth to compensate for the porcelain shell of the veneers.After your teeth are prepped, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth, select the right custom color shade for your veneers, and send off your “order” to the ceramists at the lab that will create your veneers. You'll be given a set of temporary veneers to protect your prepped teeth until your next appointment when the permanents will be placed.
6. What happens after I get my permanent porcelain veneers?
After your permanent veneers are placed you might notice a little tenderness and it can seem like your teeth feel a bit funny. It will usually take a couple of days to get used to the way your new veneers feel, but if you do notice pain, swelling, or that they really just don't feel “right,” it's important to come back for a visit immediately.You can carry on your normal at-home dental care routine and continue to come back to see us for regular dental visits.
7. Will porcelain veneers permanently damage my teeth?
Modern porcelain veneers won't damage healthy tooth structure, however, getting veneers is a permanent decision. Since part of the prep involves removing some of your tooth enamel, it isn't possible to simply remove your veneers. If you end up feeling unhappy with your veneers, such as with the new shape of your teeth or the color, you can get a new set.
8. How do I know if I'm a good candidate for porcelain veneers?
Ideal candidates for porcelain veneers are individuals who already have healthy teeth and gums. They also need to be comfortable with the idea that getting veneers is a permanent decision and that they may need to get a replacement in the future. Due to the nature of the porcelain material, veneers aren't advised for those who are prone to clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth.The only way to know for certain if you're a candidate for porcelain veneers is by seeing one of our dentists in person for an exam. We are glad to spend time answering all your questions about porcelain veneers or any other cosmetic options that would work well for your situation.
Visit Tomasik Family Dental to learn more about porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers are a fantastic way of getting the smile you've always wanted. Dr. Tomasik and Dr. Clor are skilled artists when it comes to designing custom porcelain veneers that look naturally beautiful. Take a moment to visit our online Smile Gallery to see some incredible before-and-afters.If you're interested in getting porcelain veneers, the first step is to set up a consultation appointment at Tomasik Family Dental. You can book your visit by giving our office a call or filling out our online Schedule an Appointment form. From there one of our dentists will perform a comprehensive examination and talk with you about your smile goals to determine if you're a candidate for porcelain veneers.