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Stop tooth decay!

5 Things You Can Do at Home to Prevent Tooth Decay

Keeping Cavities at Bay Did you know that tooth decay, also referred to as cavities or dental caries, is the second-most prevalent health disorder in the United States, right after the common cold? That’s right! According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, more than 90% of adults over 20 have had cavities…
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Picture perfect smile with Invisalign.

How Invisalign Can Give You a Selfie-Ready Smile

Invisalign: Your Path to a Picture-Perfect Smile Your smile is more than just a facial expression; it’s a reflection of confidence, happiness, and success. A radiant smile can unlock doors, create connections, and even transform your self-image. However, most people aren’t blessed with naturally perfect smiles. This is where orthodontic care shines. Orthodontic care isn’t…
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Make it a tooth-friendly Halloween.

Tooth-Friendly Treats to Make Your Dentist Proud This Halloween

Halloween Treats That Won’t Haunt Your Teeth Halloween is right around the corner, and we all know what that typically means for our little ghouls and goblins—a mountain of candy that could scare any tooth fairy! But this year, Halloween doesn’t have to be a nightmare for your child’s teeth. Parents, you don’t have to…
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Save teeth with a mouth guard.

Are Your Child’s Teeth Safe for School Year Sports?

Ensuring dental safety in community and school sports is crucial for children as they engage in various physical activities during the school year. Dental emergencies can pose significant risks, making a mouth guard a vital part of protective gear. Studies show that up to a third of orofacial injuries result from sporting activities, with traumatic…
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Restorative dentistry can give you a happy smile.

What is Restorative Dentistry? 5 Things You Should Know to Keep Your Teeth Smile-Happy

A healthy smile is a powerful asset, shaping both our appearance and confidence. Our teeth are essential for eating, speaking clearly, and even influencing our social interactions and relationships. Beyond aesthetics, oral health plays a vital role in our overall well-being. Enter restorative dentistry—a dental approach that repairs and replaces damaged or missing teeth. Restorative…
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Answers to Invisalign myths

Don’t Be Fooled by These 5 Myths About Invisalign

The pursuit of a straight smile isn’t just about aesthetics; it influences first impressions and social perceptions. Research reveals that people with straight teeth are often seen as successful, intelligent, and appealing. With 29% of Americans identifying teeth as the first noticed facial feature, the impact is undeniable.  The question arises: How does an uneven…
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Transformation with a smile makeover.

Smile Makeover Magic: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Transform Your Look

A captivating smile holds incredible power, influencing social interactions, romantic prospects, and even career opportunities. According to a study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a staggering 99.7% of Americans recognize the significance of a smile as a vital social asset. In fact, 96% of adults believe that an appealing smile enhances attractiveness to…
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You're not too old for braces

Are You Too Old for Braces and a Perfect Smile? The Answer is NO!

Braces have become a common sight, with four million Americans, mainly teenagers (80%), proudly wearing them. Surprisingly, the enthusiasm for orthodontic treatment extends beyond the younger generation, as 25 to 50% of all children will also be braces-wearers.  Furthermore, a staggering one-third of the global population has benefited from orthodontic treatment. But what truly breaks…
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Are Your Child’s Teeth Safe for School Year Sports?

Ensuring dental safety in community and school sports is crucial for children as they engage in various physical activities during the school year. Dental emergencies can pose significant risks, making mouth guards a vital protective gear. Studies show that up to a third of orofacial injuries result from sporting activities, with traumatic dental injuries accounting…
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Teeth Whitening or Veneers: What’s Best For Your Smile?

When it comes to enhancing our smiles, there’s one common desire shared by many: whiter teeth. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, people often yearn for a brighter, more radiant smile. The American Association of Orthodontists also found that nearly 90% of patients requested tooth whitening. However, people aren’t sure which option to…
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