Tomasik Family Dental is Celebrating Our 10 Year Anniversary!


We’re growing up together with the Bee Cave community.

Dr. Tomasik has a few words for everyone on the 10th anniversary of Tomasik Family Dental.

On a spring day in 2010…

Wow, has time flown by!  In April of 2010, Lindsay and I made the decision to open Tomasik Family Dental in Bee Cave. We had a dream of creating a family practice that could grow as the families grew in the area through building relationships in the community. We also wanted to create and deliver experiences unlike what many people were used to at the dentist.

I am so truly grateful for everyone who has trusted us with their (and their family’s) dental health over all of these years. We have made countless memories and treasure the opportunities we’ve had to positively impact people’s lives!

Let’s Celebrate!

So our actual anniversary in April found us completely shut down due to Covid.  However, we knew we still wanted to do something fun to show our appreciation once the dust settled a bit. Check out our social media pages for a chance to join us in the fun all month long during October, 2020!

How to Get in on The Fun

Be sure to check out either our Facebook or Instagram page for details on the prizes and how to enter.  Each week the prize will be announced on Monday and the winner announced on Friday

We appreciate you all!

With love from Dr. Tomasik, Dr. Clor, and the entire Tomasik Family Dental team!