10 Myths about Single Visit Crowns


Specially fitted, single-visit crowns do exist.

We get that most people would assume creating an entire, specially fitted, custom manufactured tooth that’s perfect for your mouth may seem like a storyline in a sci-fi movie. But in the case of advances in dental technology, truth is certainly better than fiction. With that in mind, here we debunk the top ten myths about single visit crowns to help you make the best treatment choice for yourself or your family.

Myth 1: Crowns always take multiple visits to fit.

In the past, getting fitted for a dental crown often felt like a hit and miss process where your time, energy, and teeth played target practice. An initial exam and mold session, followed up by one or more fitting and installation appointments, were a typical expectation. As the name suggests, we craft same day crowns in a single visit. We recommend spending all that free time you’ll have on a little rest and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle.

Myth 2: Metal crowns last longer.

While we may have all learned back in grade school that metal is certainly a durable substrate, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your traditional crown will outlast modern ceramic or porcelain same day crowns.

When dealing with durable materials such as ceramic, porcelain, and metal, the next determining factor in durability is fit. A crown that fits perfectly not only to the tooth it’s covering but also to the bite will have to endure less stress. And the better, more customized fit of single visit CEREC crowns means that your new dental hardware has a better chance of staying in place longer than older technologies. Check out myth 5 to learn more about the superior fit.

Myth 3: There’s no downside to temporary crowns.

Even if you decide saving time isn’t enough motivation to try out a same-day crown, there are other factors you should consider if you opt for a multi-visit procedure.

Temporary crowns, those put in place while you wait for your traditional metal crown to be crafted offsite, often come loose at the most inopportune times—inevitably when you’re enjoying a relaxing weekend and your dentist isn’t available. Food and other debris can also become lodged under misfitting temporary crowns. With the single visit process, you won’t have this worry, because your crown is fitted, crafted, and installed all in one sitting.

Myth 4: The same-day process is time-consuming.

While the traditional crown creation process takes place over the course of weeks—from the initial exam to mouth scanning to custom manufacturing and placement—the single visit crown process only takes a matter of hours. Advances in medical Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) technology means we’ll have you in and out the door with a happy, healthy smile in no time.

Myth 5: Traditional crowns provide a better fit.

It’s easy to understand how folks might think that a slower, traditional crown creation process might create a better product. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all, and Michelangelo did take a whopping four years to wrap up the Sistine Chapel. In the case of dental crown crafting, however, same day CEREC crowns will often surpass those made utilizing traditional technologies as intraoral scans of your unique dental imprint help to provide the most accurate crown possible. As it turns out, in this case, traditional methods aren’t worth the wait!

Myth 6: Same day technology is too new.

Another common cause for mistrust of same-visit crowns is the misconception that the technology is brand new and, therefore, untested. As it turns out, the original CEREC procedure for building in-office crowns was first utilized way back in the 1990s. For a point of reference, that was four presidents and a host of really bad boy-band trends ago. Nowadays more than half of all crowns are manufactured using same day CAM and CAD processes, meaning your new toothy accessories are tried, true and trustworthy alternatives to older methods.

Myth 7: Single visit crowns are complicated.

It’s easy to understand why people may think that such a remarkable technology must come with an equally impressive level of unnecessary steps, complications, or even pain and hassle. The reality, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. When utilizing single visit crowns, patients first receive a thorough oral exam along with dental X-rays to ensure the tooth is healthy enough for its new hardware. Next, an intraoral scan takes precise measurements of the underlying dental structure. While you wait, the CAM machines use this information to craft your brand new tooth cap, often in as little as 15 minutes. After expert placement and affixation by your trained dental professional, you’ll be ready to head out the door.

Myth 8: Metal crowns are more hygienic.

Another common misconception of modern crowns comes from the idea that metal is less porous than ceramic material and therefore your new tooth will be unhygienic. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The technologically advanced materials used to manufacture same-visit crowns produce the same high-quality results as traditional crowns. Also, the better fit means a lower likelihood of food becoming trapped in your newly manufactured tooth and a reduced chance of infections, bad breath, and other unattractive side effects.

Myth 9: Crowns look fake.

This next myth applies to traditional or updated same visit crown trends. While older crown procedures often left you with slightly mismatched dental hardware, same day technology has made this concern a thing of the past. The final step to every single crown creation is an expert color match to ensure your new manufactured tooth looks the same as your natural ones. With that kind of attention to detail, you’ll be able to walk out of the dental office smiling broadly and confident in your new, improved pearly whites.

Myth 10: Same day crowns are more expensive than traditional.

Last but not least on our list of misconceptions to debunk has its origins in the concept that “it’s too good to be true.” With superior technology, a quick turnaround, better fit, and a natural appearance, most people assume that same day crowns would be well beyond their budget. We’re happy to report that in reality same visit crowns are comparable to older methods and covered by major insurance carriers. In short, same day crowns are a quicker, more efficient, and affordable solution for those in need of a little toothy repair.

If our myth debunking has piqued your interest, at Tomasik Family Dental we utilize only the most modern CEREC technology in same visit crown production. With one-visit technology, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to walk away from your appointment with a bright and healthy looking and feeling smile. Schedule an appointment today, and find out the difference a caring, professional, and modern dental office can make in crowns and in your entire oral health needs.


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